Ste že slišali? ➡️ ODPRTE SO PRIJAVE ZA POLETNO UNIVERZO! ⬅️? Še vedno ne veste, kaj točno sploh je Poletna univerza, ali pa se mogoče še niste mogli odločiti, ali bi preživeli 2 […]
Ste že slišali? ➡️ ODPRTE SO PRIJAVE ZA POLETNO UNIVERZO! ⬅️? Še vedno ne veste, kaj točno sploh je Poletna univerza, ali pa se mogoče še niste mogli odločiti, ali bi preživeli 2 […]
The time has come… ?Summer University Applications are open! ?? just visit www.aegee.su ? and choose your adventure ?
Dear foreign language enthusiasts! Thank you for your participation on our Duolingo events! You have proved yourselves real polyglots! ? The first round of our language learning workshops is thus successfully finished. 🙂 […]
Za prijavo na izmenjavo z Budimpešto imate samo še 2️⃣DNI! Take priložnosti ne želite zamuditi. 😉 ⌛️ ? le 45 eur 😮 ? 3 dnevi v Budimpešti ? ? ogromno zabave ? You only have 2️⃣ DAYS to apply to our […]
Sanjaš o nepozabnem poletju, a nimaš ideje, kje ga preživeti? ?? ➡️ Na spodnjem linku poišči sanjsko destinacijo in se prijavi se na Poletno univerzo! ?↙️ Do you dream about an unforgetful summer, […]
We have now finished the first round of our Duolingo Language Workshops. We have learnt basics of Russian, French, German and Italian. But not only the languages; we have also […]
Yesterday’s Duolingo was somewhat special because we hosted some other students as well; some people attended the workshop through Duolingo events! We practiced our already acquired knowledge of German and […]
Včeraj smo na Študentskem kampusu imeli predstavitev Poletne univerze. Naš predsednik Jernej je zbranim najprej predstavil, kaj je AEGEE, katere so vrednote članov AEGEE in za kaj si prizadevamo. Sledila je predstavitev […]
We have two more Duolingo workshop prepared for you! One of them is German Workshop! ?? We’re sure many of you already speak German quite proficiently, so we would invite […]
We can proudly say that now we know all the important things about Italy and its language! ?? First, we had a quiz about Italy’s most intriguing characteristics (the winning […]
Spoznaj Budimpešto skozi oči lokalnih študentov! Rezerviraj svoje mesto in se pridruži skupini 10 mladih, in to le za 45 eur! Izmenjava bo potekala od 15. do 17. marca v […]
We can’t believe it’s already almost March! Time flies when you’re having a good time. 😉 We’ll again be having a good time on our traditional Monthly Drink! ??You know the place, […]