Obisk AEGEE-Delft (Visit from AEGEE-Delft)

Poleg državnega praznika, ki obeležuje najbolj prominentnega slovenskega pesnika Franceta Prešerna, in začetka pustnega časa je pretekli četrtek še dodatno popestril obisk članov AEGEE-Dreft z Nizozemske.

Popoldne smo po začetnem srečanju na ljubljanskem gradu nadaljevali s krajšim ogledom mesta preko največjih zakladov, arhitekturnih presežkov, mitov in zgodb, ki jih naša prestolnica lahko ponudi. Kulturni praznik smo obeležili tudi z recitiranjem Zdravljice, ki jo je bil kip Franceta Prešerna vesel predvsem po gesti, vse prej kot po našem performansu. Vsakdo, ki je bil v preteklosti deležen slovenske gostoljubnosti, je zagotovo izkusil, da je slovenska hrana nepopisna simfonija. V tej slogi smo se v času večerje razvajali v restavraciji Druga violina, ki je za nas pripravila odličen izbor okusne tradicionalne slovenske hrane. Druženje smo nadaljevali v sproščenem vzdušju, srečanje med obema antenama pa moramo čim prej ponoviti!

Zahvaljujemo se restavraciji Druga violina, ki si je kljub praznično zaznamovanemu četrtku in rezervaciji v zadnjem trenutku za naše goste vzela čas in nas razvajala s pristnimi slovenskimi dobrotami. Odlično osebje, krasen ambient in ponovno nepozabna hrana so prispevali k odličnem večeru, ki ga bomo zagotovo kmalu ponovili.

Zmaj Emon, naša predraga maskota, ima sedaj novega prijatelja iz AEGEE-Dreft. Emon the Dragon, our beloved mascot, now has a new firend from AEGEE-Delft.

Apart from the national holiday devoted to Slovenia’s most prominent poet France Prešeren and the beginning of the Pust celebrations, the past Thursday was also special due to the visit of AEGEE-Delft in Ljubljana.

The afternoon started with a meeting at the Ljubljana Castle and continued with a short city tour of the area guarded by this magnificent citadel. We breezed through the treasures our beautiful city has to offer, discovering myths, architectural and cultural beauties. In regard to the previously mentioned commemoration of France Prešeren, we also read a part of the Slovenian national anthem called Zdravljica. The statue of the poet was not really impressed by our performance in Slovenian, but was happy with the gesture nonetheless.

Everyone who was ever hosted in Slovenia will surely remember the country by its food, among other things. We continued our afternoon in a restaurant called The Second Violin with a dinner that can be referred to as nothing less than a symphony. We were pampered by great and delicious Slovenian traditional food, and then continued a chill night with a social drink. It was a great day that we have to repeat at the earliest convenience.

Special thanks to the restaurant The Second Violin that, regardless of the holiday spirit and reservation made at the very last minute, took their time and spoiled our guests with splendid traditional Slovenian delicacies. Great staff, splendid ambient and, again, exquisite food contributed to a great night that AEGEE-Ljubljana wishes to repeat as soon as possible.

Odlična večerja v Drugi violini. An exquisite dinner at The Second Violin.